Asking for help
Asking for help can help people learn. Security professionals can advise on how best to approach and resolve security issues. This is important when setting up a new device, a piece of software or engaging with an unexpected suspicious email.
Why is it important?
Specialists are very knowledgeable in particular fields. Security is a field with many different aspects, some more confusing than others.
Asking for help from a security specialist can prevent mistakes and security incidents occurring.
Priority Tier
Behaviours in SebDB are ranked by their impact on risk. Tier 1 behaviours have the biggest impact, Tier 4 behaviours the least.

Risk Mitigated

Malware Infection
Malware infections occur when malicious software makes its way on to a device or network.

Data Leak
A data leak is when data is accidentally or intentionally disclosed to unauthorised people.

Account Compromise
Account compromise happens when unauthorised people access them.
Further reading