All Behaviours > Completing security awareness training
Completing security awareness training
Security Awareness training is an important part of organisational security. Completing awareness training ensures people have the understanding to act appropriately when presented with security situations. It helps develop security skills and habits so people can be better at their jobs.
Why is it important?
Security Awareness training is an important part of organisational security. People armed with the right knowledge can be an organisation's best cyber defence. Completing awareness training ensures people have such knowledge.
Priority Tier
Behaviours in SebDB are ranked by their impact on risk. Tier 1 behaviours have the biggest impact, Tier 4 behaviours the least.

Risk Mitigated

Malware Infection
Malware infections occur when malicious software makes its way on to a device or network.

Data Leak
A data leak is when data is accidentally or intentionally disclosed to unauthorised people.

Account Compromise
Account compromise happens when unauthorised people access them.

Personal Exposure
Personal exposure is the extent to how much someones personal information is available online.