Creating a passphrase ruleset
Complex passwords are difficult to remember. Passphrases provide a more secure solution and are easier to remember. To use them effectively, a rule set should be created and followed. An example could be, 3 random words, the first word is fully capitalised, two numbers and two random characters are appended on the end - trainFORESTrunning22!!
Why is it important?
A passphrase ruleset helps create and build strong passphrases. An example of a ruleset could be: 3 random words, the first word is fully capitalised, two numbers and two random characters are appended at the end. For example - TRAINforestrunning22!!
Creating a ruleset means strong, memorable passphrases can be created consistently.
Priority Tier
Behaviours in SebDB are ranked by their impact on risk. Tier 1 behaviours have the biggest impact, Tier 4 behaviours the least.

Risk Mitigated

Account Compromise
Account compromise happens when unauthorised people access them.
Further reading