All Behaviours > Using a webcam cover
Using a webcam cover
Devices that have been compromised can have their webcams accessed. To limit further breaches to privacy and data, webcam covers should be used whenever cameras are not in use.
Why is it important?
Cameras can be used to gain valuable information and gain an insight into a device's physical environment. Using a webcam cover is important as it helps to protect privacy and data.
Priority Tier
Behaviours in SebDB are ranked by their impact on risk. Tier 1 behaviours have the biggest impact, Tier 4 behaviours the least.

Risk Mitigated

Privacy Violation
A privacy violation occurs when an unintended person learns about someone elses private information.

Data Theft
Data theft is the intentional stealing of data.
Further reading
https://www.ndss-symposium.org/ndss2016/eurousec-2016-workshop/users-protect-their-privacy-if-they-can-determinants-webcam-covering-behavior/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2020/04/30/in-the-zoom-era-heres-why-i-always-use-a-webcam-cover/#44ce29df6fbe