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Introducing the Research Library: the world’s first archive of research into the human aspect of cyber security

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9 March 2018

Did you know as security training frequency increases, security awareness seems to decrease?

Or that messages of fear can backfire if threats never actually materialize?

Or how about that people who are familiar with Facebook are in fact more likely to be scammed via Facebook?

The above little-known findings all come from academic research. And each could help improve security awareness programmes. Which is why, today, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the CybSafe Research Library: a new, comprehensive and growing archive of academic research into the human aspect of cyber security.

What is the Research Library?

The Research Library is a vault summarising and linking to, at present, 148 (although that number is growing) research papers, models, frameworks and resources on the human aspect of cyber security from esteemed contributors such as Professor Daniel Kahneman, Professor Angela Sasse and Professor Adam Joinson.

The papers cover various disciplines, including psychology, behavioral science and education. All papers have security implications. And all can improve information security.

The idea behind the Library is simple: the volume of useful security research focused on the human aspect of cyber security is growing by the day. And yet, few findings make it onto the desks of security practitioners. Papers are published in academic journals and fuel further academic research – but rarely go much further.

How the Research Library could help

The Research Library is a comprehensive archive that CISOs, researchers and security practitioners can turn to when shaping security awareness programmes or whenever they have a question on the human aspect of cyber security.

How often should training take place?

What should training look like?

What characteristics trigger positive security behaviors?

CISOs can now find many of the answers in one place, quickly and conveniently referencing studies when shaping their security programmes and strategies.

Stay at the forefront of the industry

The Research Library is an ongoing project.

We’ll be adding new papers as new research is published. And we’d love suggestions for existing papers that you feel should be included.

Given human fallibility, people are often considered a security weakness. We want to change that.

By offering insightful advice on making people more resilient, we want the Research Library to help CISOs, researchers, business leaders and other interested parties collectively develop the conversation on the human aspect of cyber security.

We want to push the needle as far as it will go, to make people our first and most important line of defence…and we want your help!

Please share this Research Library with anyone that you feel this might be helpful to.

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