Human behavior is fascinating. Some people dedicate their lives to studying why we do what we do. We have a whole security team at CybSafe that live and breathe behavioral science! So why do people continue to behave in ways detrimental to their health, safety and...
WannaCry ransomware attack explained The WannaCry ransomware attack, also known as WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r 2.0, or Wcry, is a ransomware computer virus that infects Microsoft Windows systems. The malware was discovered on Friday, 12 May 2017 as the hackers exposed and...
A guide to our tone of voice Before we get started, a warning: You’ll probably find this guide hard to read. That’s because you’re human. Humans find everything hard to read. Books, product guides, blogs, and flat-pack furniture manuals (top of the list)....
Feedback is important in all walks of life. It can be what takes you from being good to excellent, as a leader, a colleague, or friend. We are often reluctant to give or receive feedback. What’s holding people back from sharing their thoughts? We don’t tell...
You didn’t remember! You arrive at school and realise you have an exam you’ve forgotten about. You haven’t attended any of the classes, completed the reading, and definitely didn’t prepare. Sound familiar? This is the recurring “final exam” dream. It’s one of those...
People have been using stories to pass on information for over 4,000 years. Integrating stories into security awareness training increases the chances of people remembering information, and relaying it to loved ones. We use story-style training at CybSafe. Below...