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Why we need new and better human cyber risk metrics

Why we need new and better human cyber risk metrics

To make a difference as a security professional today, you need board support. You need resources. You need directors to trust and back you. You need organizational leaders to promote security. So whenever you have the board’s attention – or the attention of those who...
10 ways to get your people interested in cybersecurity

10 ways to get your people interested in cybersecurity

aGet your people interested in cyber security and you become more resilient. Here’s how to go about it, starting with the potential end of the world. Uranium centrifuges facilitate either nuclear power or nuclear weapons. They’re powerful, valuable and extremely...
Let’s punish phishing victims… er, you want to do what?!

Let’s punish phishing victims… er, you want to do what?!

There is a big, hairy elephant in the room when it comes to phishing: Many organisations believe that it’s okay, or right, or that they have no choice other than to punish people who repeatedly fail phishing simulations. Are they right? Before we answer that, let’s...
You are almost certainly miscalculating your cyber risk

You are almost certainly miscalculating your cyber risk

    Unconvinced? Here’s a demonstration. Although it might not seem like it, people’s actions following 9/11 demonstrate just how likely it is you’re miscalculating your cyber risk. Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, people began to change their travel...