Ransomware trends 2023: The lowdown on today’s cyber shakedowns Ransomware is a cybercrime veteran. It’s got decades of devastation under its belt, and has made billions for people of a shady inclination. And it’s the fastest growing form of cyber attack today. The...
Putting people at the heart: The importance of human-centered security Every second, the world becomes a little more digitized and connected. And that means we open ourselves up to a little more risk everyday. Yet, when it comes to developing security policies, many...
Hook, line, and sinker: What’s the bait in executive phishing and whaling? Imagine receiving an urgent email from your CEO—but it’s not them but a scammer. Hold on, it’s a classic CEO impersonation—a sophisticated form of executive email fraud now putting your...
How to make sure your behavior nudges aren’t doing more harm than good A dribble of coffee on your clean shirt. The cable that stops charging your phone the moment you look away. That desk drawer that sticks. Every. Single. Time. Those are minor irritations most are,...
Are your people ready for ransomware’s latest moves? You know as well as we do that ransomware isn’t anything new. We’ve even accused it of being a bit boring in the past. But the thing is, ransomware is a very real danger to organizations today. You’d think after 40...