All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
What the Internet of Things means for consumer privacy
What the Internet of Things means for consumer privacy discusses the findings of an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) research programme, sponsored by ForgeRock, that explores the privacy concerns and priorities of global consumers stemming from the Internet of Things...
I hacked my apps to find where my data was going and you should too
Evening Standard
Catalyst Sale Podcast 1/Feb/18 Oz Alashe and Mike Simmons
Catalyst Sale Podcast 1/Feb/18 Oz Alashe and Mike Simmons
On demand webinar: The human aspect of cyber security
The human aspect of cyber security
Creative engagement methods: Everyday security
Creative security engagement is an approach that helps participants to draw out the details of day-to-day security practices. As a result, such engagement methods are not only able to sketch out issues related to IT infrastructure and its use but also the everyday...
Creative engagement methods: An introduction
Sharing experiences about digital practices and about digital security in particular is an important means of learning and sharing security practices. These stories are also important because they bring out the difficulties and inconsistencies people face in...
Navigating the new cyber security threat landscape
This report is designed to educate and inform organisations on the cyber threat landscape. It explores what to consider when disaster strikes and explains the importance of people and partnerships. Read full paper ...
Introducing the Research Library: the world’s first archive of research into the human aspect of cyber security
Did you know as security training frequency increases, security awareness seems to decrease? Or that messages of fear can backfire if threats never actually materialize? Or how about that people who are familiar with Facebook are in fact more likely to be scammed via...
The “human factor” in cyber security reading: Exploring the accidental insider
A great deal of research has been devoted to the exploration and categorization of threats posed from malicious attacks from current employees who are disgruntled with the organisation, or are motivated by financial gain. These so-called “insider threats” pose a...
Global Banking & Finance Review
“The best way to avoid £17m fines is to stop trying to avoid £17m fines”
Advice for companies affected by the upcoming NIS Directive On the 28th January, 2018, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre published guidance on the upcoming Network Information Systems (NIS) Directive, which is set to come into force on the 9th May this...
Finding the weakest links in the weakest link: how well do undergraduate students make cyber security judgment?
The psychology of cybersecurity literature widely acknowledges that in the realm of cybersecurity, it's often ordinary users, rather than technology systems, who constitute the weakest link. This study specifically aimed to assess the cybersecurity judgment of 462...
Lack of encryption in cloud applications rendering enterprises vulnerable
SC Magazine
How educational psychology can change the face of cyber-security training
SC Magazine
CybSafe announced as an FStech Awards 2018 Finalist
CybSafe, 11th January 2018, London: CybSafe, the GCHQ-accredited cyber security training platform, today announced that it has been shortlisted for Security Solution of the Year in the 2018 FSTech Awards. CybSafe is a data-driven, cloud-based software platform that...
Data security under GDPR: are you ready?
HR Grapevine
WFE staff behavior and culture best practice guidelines
A set of best practice guidelines published by the WFE designed to encourage a culture of cyber security compliance, including ideas on behavioural incentives, cultural incentives and operational support.
Protecting the people running on autopilot
How people can take proper precautions online without even having to think I imagine you’ll have experienced something like this before. You’ve been tied up in a report for the last hour or two. Your concentration is waning and you need a change of pace. So you turn...
Seven Reasons Why I’m More Positive Than Most About Cyber Security In 2018
Huffington post
Why do college students prefer Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Site affordances, tensions between privacy and self-expression, and implications for social capital
Whereas the bulk of research on social media has taken a granular approach, targeting specific behaviors on one site, or to a lesser extent, multiple sites, the current study aimed to holistically examine the social media landscape, exploring questions about who is...