All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
An exploration of the design features of phishing attacks
Phishing is a growing phenomenon, which has not only caused billions in losses, but also has eroded consumer confidence in online transactions. To develop effective countermeasures, we need to understand how phishing e-mails exploit human vulnerabilities. We develop a...
Behavioral and policy issues in information systems security: The insider threat
This paper emphasizes the growing global interconnectivity and reliance on information systems (IS) in multiple sectors such as business and government. As institutions become more globally linked and dependent on automated control systems, the vulnerability of these...
Consumer motivations in taking action against spyware: An empirical investigation
The purpose of this paper is to develop a research framework and empirically analyze the factors that motivate the consumers to adopt and use anti-spyware tools when they are faced with security threats.
Locking the door but leaving the computer vulnerable: Factors inhibiting home users’ adoption of software firewalls
In the new era of a ubiquitously networked world, security measures are only as good as their weakest link. Home computers with access to the Internet are one of the weaker links as they are typically not as well protected as computers in the corporate world....
A test of interventions for security threats from social engineering
Recently, the role of human behavior has become a focal point in the study of information security countermeasures. However, few empirical studies have been conducted to test social engineering theory and the reasons why people may or may not fall victim, and even...
A cyber security culture framework and its impact on Zimbabwean organizations
Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software and data, from cyberattacks. Cybersecurity culture is a set of the attitudes, assumptions, beliefs, values and knowledge that people use in their interaction with the...
Notes from the field: Observations in working with the forgotten victims of personal financial crimes
This paper focuses on victims of financial crimes. It describes the impact of this financial crime, the need for services to assist both victims and their families and 12 programs that assist the victims of financial crime.
Security lapses and the omission of information security measures: A threat control model and empirical test
Organizations and individuals are increasingly impacted by misuses of information that result from security lapses. Most of the cumulative research on information security has investigated the technical side of this critical issue, but securing organizational systems...
McAfee security journal Autumn 2008 – Ask and you will receive
This article summarises the cognitive biases that facilitate social engineering scams, which can be used to develop more effective cyber security awareness campaigns.
The compliance budget: Managing security behaviour in organisations
This paper finds individuals comply with security practices up to a certain point only, after which point compliance wains. Organisations can influence an individual’s perception of where the compliance threshold lies so long as they know of and can manipulate...
The user is not the enemy: Fighting malware by tracking user intentions
This paper introduces a novel approach to access control, particularly for single-user systems, that takes into account the entire history of user and program actions to enhance the precision and expressiveness of access control policies. Current access control...
Failure to recognize fake internet popup warning messages
"Your computer is infected with spyware. Click OK to download the necessary anti-spyware updates." This type of popup warning is a common deceptive strategy employed by creators of malware and spyware to trick unsuspecting internet users into downloading harmful...
Relative status regulates risky decision making about resources in men: Evidence for the co-evolution of motivation and cognition
In this study, males who thought others of equal status were watching and judging their decisions were more likely to persue a high-risk, high-reward means of recouping a financial loss over a no risk, low gain means with equal expected value. The results suggest...
NUDGE – Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness
Thorough book introducing “nudge” theory; the idea of subtly nudging people to make certain decisions or behaviours. Examples include placing certain foods in different orders to encourage healthy eating and changing default options to the desired choice. These small...
Data leakage worldwide: Common risks and mistakes employees make
This whitepaper explores research that concludes that, despite security policies, procedures and tools currently in place, employees around the world are still engaging in risky behaviours that put corporate and personal data at risk.
“Usability + usefulness = trust”: An exploratory study of Australian health websites
The aim is to explore users’ reactions to health information web sites from the perspective of trust, retrieval of relevant information and ease-of-use, and to establish the link between perceived quality, trust, and usability. An analysis of three Australian health...
Security beliefs and barriers for novice internet users
End-users are now recognized as being at increased risk in online scenarios, with a range of threats that seek to specifically target them and exploit their systems. Novice users are particularly likely to face difficulties in this context, as their unfamiliarity with...
The antecedents of information security policy compliance
Information security is one of the major challenges for organizations that critically depend on information systems to conduct their businesses. Ensuring safety of information and technology resources has become the top priority for many organizations since the...
The persuasiveness of online safety cues: The impact of prevention focus compatibility of Web content on consumers’ risk perceptions, attitudes, and intentions
Safety cues are frequently used in online stores to relieve consumers’ risk perceptions concerning online purchases. This paper uses regulatory focus theory (RFT) to predict the persuasiveness of online safety cues. According to RFT (Higgins, 1997), people process...
The cost of reading privacy policies
Companies collect personally identifiable information that website visitors are not always comfortable sharing. One proposed remedy is to use economics rather than legislation to address privacy risks by creating a marketplace for privacy where website visitors would...
User awareness of security countermeasures and its impact on information systems misuse: A deterrence approach
Intentional insider misuse of information systems resources (i.e., IS misuse) represents a significant threat to organizations. For example, industry statistics suggest that between 50%–75% of security incidents originate from within an organization. Because of the...