All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
A (my) space of one ‘s own: On privacy and online social networks
Participants in online social networking sites (OSNs) such as MySpace and Facebook (among hundreds of others) revel in the freedom and communion facilitated by the burgeoning social Internet. They often express offense or a feeling of intrusion when their online...
Making security usable: Are things improving?
Given the increased focus on the need for usable security, it is now to be hoped that the issue will receive greater attention in new software releases. Unfortunately, however, there is still evidence to suggest that usable security receives insufficient consideration...
Security when people matter: Structuring incentives for user behavior
This paper discusses the role of humans as "smart components" in a system, emphasizing that their autonomy must be respected and incentives should be provided to induce desired behavior. The authors argue that a misalignment of incentives can often lead to system...
Anti-phishing Phil: The design and evaluation of a game that teaches people not to fall for phish
This article presents the development and assessment of Anti-Phishing Phil, a web-based game aimed at instilling safe online practices to protect users from phishing threats. The game was crafted following educational science guidelines and underwent several rounds of...
The human factor in phishing
We discuss the importance of understanding psychological aspects of phishing, and review some recent findings. Given these findings, we critique some commonly used security practices and suggest and review alternatives, including educational approaches. We suggest a...
Social phishing
This study aimed to reveal a baseline level of phishing success, finding a success rate of 16% when phishing emails were sent from unknown senders, rising to a full 72% when phishing emails appeared to be from known senders.
Assessing the security perceptions of personal internet users
Personal Internet users are increasingly finding themselves exposed to security threats during their use of home PC systems. However, concern can be raised about users’ awareness of these problems, and the extent to which they are consequently protected and equipped...
Phishing: Can we spot the signs?
Dr Steven Furnell at Plymouth University has conducted research, which looks at why some computer users still can't tell the difference between an official email and a phishing scam. Steven Furnell looks at the increasing sophistication of phishing emails and examines...
Fear appeal messages affect accessibility of attitudes toward the threat and adaptive behaviorss
Fear appeals have long been used in persuasive messages to motivate people to perform adaptive behaviors. This research explored the influence of a fear appeal message concerning breast cancer on attitude accessibility. Messages advocating the efficacy of breast...
A video game for cyber security training and awareness
Although many of the concepts included in cyber security awareness training are universal, such training often must be tailored to address the policies and requirements of a particular organization. In addition, many forms of training fail because they are rote and do...
User security behavior on wireless networks: An empirical study
Wireless networks are rapidly becoming ubiquitous but are often insecure and leave users responsible for their own security. We empirically study whether users are successfully securing their client computers when using wireless networks. Automated techniques are used...
Human vulnerabilities in security systems
This whitepaper discusses human vulnerabilities in full, including what they are, why they occur, how they can be mitigated, the challenges of mitigation and potential areas for further research.
What instills trust? A qualitative study of phishing
A paper on the factors that make phishing emails and web pages appear authentic and on the factors that make legitamate content appear dubious. Authors draw nine conclusions.
Improving security decisions with polymorphic and audited dialogs
Context-sensitive guidance (CSG) can help users make better security decisions. Applications with CSG ask the user to provide relevant context information. Based on such information, these applications then decide or suggest an appropriate course of action. However,...
Email end users and spam: Relations of gender and age group to attitudes and actions
As the problem of spam email increases, we examined users’ attitudes toward and experience with spam as a function of gender and age. College-age, working-age, and retirement-age men and women were surveyed. Most respondents strongly disliked receiving spam yet took...
Phishing IQ tests measure fear, not ability
We argue that phishing IQ tests fail to measure susceptibility to phishing attacks. We conducted a study where 40 subjects were asked to answer a selection of questions from existing phishing IQ tests in which we varied the portion (from 25% to 100%) of the questions...
Genre, narrative and the “Nigerian Letter” in electronic mail
This paper analyses 111 'Nigerian' emails, concluding typical emails draw on a predictable form, purpose and tone designed to appeal to greed, charity, heroism, and other powerful and compelling emotions, and thus trick victims.
Social psychological factors in lifestyle change and their relevance to policy
This article examines the social psychological theories and research that can be used to design better behaviour interventions. Although the paper focuses on health, the review could be applied in a wide variety of contexts – cyber security included.
Impeding ecological sustainability through selective moral disengagement
This paper discusses moral disengagement, with an emphasis on how moral disengagement impedes ecological sustainability. The author notes moral disengagement comes about through: exonerative comparisons that render detrimental practices as righteous; the use of...
Which factors explain employees’ adherence to information security policies? An empirical study
It is widely agreed that a key threat to information security is caused by careless employees who do not adhere to the information security policies of their organizations. In order to ensure that employees comply with the organization’s information security...
Deceit and deception: A large user study of phishing
This study is a large scale investigation of trust manipulation tactics used by phishing web sites and email messages. The experiment focuses on media authenticity evaluations, rather than content credibility with the assumption that its authors are known. It tests...