All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
The online disinhibition effect
People tend to become less socially inhibitive when communicating online vs communicating in person. This article introduces six factors that create online disinhibition: dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative...
Towards information security behavioural compliance
The objective of this paper is to explore the potential problems concerning the attempt to audit the behaviour of the employee. It will be demonstrated that it is extremely difficult to audit human behaviour and so an alternative method to behavioural auditing needs...
User attitudes toward spam and online behaviors in three age groups
As the problem of spam email increases, we examine users’ attitudes toward and experience with spam as a function of gender, age, and self-rated expertise. College students, young and middle-aged adults, and older and retired persons were surveyed. Most respondents...
Examining the linkage between organizational commitment and information security
Several new lines of research have begun to focus on a sociotechnical approach to information security by simultaneously considering the behavioral and managerial elements of security together with the technical aspects. In this paper, we examine the influence of...
It takes two to mimic: Behavioral consequences of self-construals
This study hypothesised that independent self-construals would mimic others less than interdependent self-construals, and it showed as much through a series of experiments.
Losses, gains, and hyperbolic discounting: An experimental approach to information security attitudes and behavior
This paper explores why some people say they’d like to protect their personal data then take few measures to do so. Hypotheses include limited information, self-control problems, behavioural distortions, and bounded rationality. The authors suggest an experimental...
Evaluation of three interventions to promote workplace health and safety: Evidence for the utility of implementation intentions
This article evaluates a motivational intervention based on the theory of planned behavior, a volitional intervention based on implementation intentions, and a combined motivational plus volitional intervention in promoting attendance at workplace health and safety...
How do users evaluate the credibility of Web sites? A study with over 2,500 participants
Researchers gather comments on website credibility and report on the top 18 areas of comment. They find website design and look to be the most frequently mentioned indicator of credibility.
On-line trust: Concepts, evolving themes, a model
Following a discussion of relevant literature, researchers propose a model of online trust between users and websites. The model includes three factors that affect online trust: perception of credibility, ease of use and risk.
Using theory to evaluate personality and job-performance relations: A socioanalytic perspective
This study introduces theory into an empirical framework that uses personality traits to predict job performance, thus improving the framework's validity.
Investor psychology and security market under‐and overreactions
We propose a theory of securities market under‐ and overreactions based on two well‐known psychological biases: investor overconfidence about the precision of private information; and biased self‐attribution, which causes asymmetric shifts in investors' confidence as...
Habits in everyday life: Thought, emotion, and action.
To illustrate the differing thoughts and emotions involved in guiding habitual and nonhabitual behavior, 2 diary studies were conducted in which participants provided hourly reports of their ongoing experiences. When participants were engaged in habitual behavior,...
Solicitation by e-mail and solicitor’s status: A field study of social influence on the web
Personal information is scarce in computer-mediated communication. So when information about the sender is attached with his or her e-mail, this could induce a powerful effect toward the receptor. Two experiments were carried out where males and females were solicited...
The economics of information security investment
An article exploring the optimal amount of money to invest to protect information. This model looks at the extent to which a piece of information is vulnerable and the potential loss that would occur if it was breached, and notes that companies should spend a small...
Choosing passwords: Security and human factors
Password security is essential to the security of information systems. Human fallibility makes it nearly impossible to follow all of the recommended rules simultaneously. A user with many different passwords, frequently changing, will be forced to write them down...
A holistic model of computer abuse within organizations
Past studies suggest that computer security countermeasures such as security policies, systems, and awareness programs would be effective in preventing computer abuse in organizations. They are based on the general deterrence theory, which posits that when an...
Persuasive technology: Using computers to change what we think and do
Mother Nature knows best--How engineered organizations of the future will resemble natural-born systems.
Users’ conceptions of risks and harms on the web: A comparative study
In this study, we analyzed Web users concerns about potential risks and harms from Web use to themselves and to society at large. In addition, we assessed how strongly users felt something should be done to address their concerns. Seventy-two individuals, 24 each from...
Role of self‐efficacy and behaviour change
Behaviour change is an important concept in relation to health promotion and disease prevention. Self-efficacy has been identified as an important determinant of health behaviour, future health behaviour and health behaviour change. In order to effectively facilitate...
Suicide: A study in sociology (Routledge Classics)
Why does suicide happen? What goes wrong? Why is it more common in some places than others? Emile Durkheim seeks out the answers in a classic text, offering an insight into the social frameworks in which we operate.
A domain-specific risk-attitude scale: Measuring risk perceptions and risk behaviors
Researchers find people's desire for risk is not consistent in all areas, and varies between things like financial, health and social realms. Regression analysis suggests the changes are due to changes in percieved benefits and risk, as opposed to changes in...