All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
On demand webinar: CybSafe’s 2024 security awareness predictions
ON DEMAND WEBINARCybSafe’s 2024 security awareness predictionsThe experts unpack 2024’s cybersecurity threats and trends.Every year, the cybersecurity world is flooded by predictions from all corners. Trying to guess what 2024 has in store is like trying to predict...
Black Friday scam warning as expert issue tips to stay safe this sale season
Daily Record
A pond full of phishing games – analysis of learning games for anti-phishing education
Game-based learning is a promising approach to anti-phishing education, as it fosters motivation and can help reduce the perceived difficulty of the educational material. Over the years, several prototypes for game-based applications have been proposed, that follow...
Biden signs executive order directing AI companies to develop safer AI
Silicon Angle
Why lack of training can put cybersecurity at risk [Q&A]
Beta News
On demand webinar: The human risk management metrics your CISO wants needs to know!
ON DEMAND WEBINARThe human risk management metrics your CISO wants needs to know!Understanding the value of security awareness activitiesTraditional security awareness teams use traditional security awareness metrics: Security awareness completion rates & test...
3 common causes of cyber crime and cyber attacks that show we’re making things too easy for today’s cyber criminals
Three top causes of cybercrime and how to guard against cyber attacksUnderstanding cyber attacksThe three most common causesThree powerful solutions to cybercrimeWe all take steps to keep our homes and our possessions safe. Whenever we go out, we lock our doors and...
What DORA really means for financial institutions
Deciphering DORA: A financial institution's roadmap to compliance and resilience DORA. The name may not take up much room, but it’s a formidable presence in the financial landscape. Yes, we’re talking about the Digital Operational Resilience Act. But of course, if...
Identity theft: What it is, and how it can affect your business
IT Pro
Oh, Behave! The annual cybersecurity attitudes and behaviors report
Cracking the human cyber risk codeCybSafe and the National Cybersecurity Alliance join forces to decode how behavior and attitude shape security outcomes.Ever wondered how much people fret about online security and if it shapes their online behavior? Curious about...
The difference between ‘risks’, ‘threats’ and ‘vulnerabilities’
A cheat guide for security awareness professionals If you’re a security awareness professional, or in the business of managing human risk, it’s important to understand the difference between risks, threats and vulnerabilities. It’s also important to understand the...
On demand webinar: Oh behave! the findings
ON DEMAND WEBINAROh, Behave! The findings The experts unpack the 'Oh, Behave! Cyber Behaviors and Attitudes Report 2023’ What do people really think about cybersecurity? How does this impact their actions? And how does all of this impact your organization's security...
The ultimate people-centric guide to simulated phishing
The ultimate people-centric guide to simulated phishingRun simulated phishing campaigns that reveal what click rates and report rates can’t - what’s driving user riskExecutive summaryGone phishingHow phishing worksPhishing variantsPrevalence & trendsWhy simulated...
On demand webinar: Business email compromise: evolved
ON DEMAND WEBINARBusiness email compromise: evolved“Hey ChatGPT, I’m a CEO and I need my finance director to make a payment urgently. Write me an email!”A new generation of business email compromise (BEC) beckons. BEC is spreading across instant messaging services,...
The game-changing impact of data-driven human risk management
Human risk management: The definitive guideMeet the trail-blazers redefining the security awareness & training space…for good!It's all talkUnderstanding human riskWhat this means for youPart 1: It’s all talk Talking about risk in the security awareness or human...
UK workers spill more secrets to AI than they would to friends in the pub
The London Economic
How much do you really know about cybercrime? (UK edition)
Raise the bar: 50 creative Cybersecurity Awareness Month ideas
Inspiration unlocked: 50 Cybersecurity Awareness Month ideas for CAM 2024“Securing our World”Planning for value, impact, and proofFree resourcesTips, tricks, & things to avoidEvery year, a dizzying high number of people face the consequences of cyberattacks. These...
Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: Opportunities and challenges
Safeguarding the future: AI’s the top priority this Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 Recently we held an outrageous event for our SebDB community. As per usual, it was lively and thought-provoking. (N.B.: You can join the fun here.)We asked the community what was on...
CybSafe 2023 autumn release
Introducing: Human risk management metrics and 25+ new features [lazy-video video_id="_Z2TeajYP6A" background_image=""...
Workers are spilling more secrets to AI than to their friends