2009, behaviour change, social engineering, Angela Sasse, Kat Krol, Matthew Moroz
Behavior change
It’s not all about me: Motivating hand hygiene among health care professionals by focusing on patients
2011, behaviour change, Adam Grant, David Hofmann
When does 360-degree feedback create behavior change? And how would we know it when it does?
2011, behaviour change, David W. Rose, Dale S. Bracken
MINDSPACE: Influencing behaviour through public policy
2010, behaviour change, David Halpern, Dominic King, Ivo Vlaev, Michael Hallsworth, Paul Dolan
Switch: How to change things when change is hard
2011, behaviour change, Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Indirect warnings and instructions produce behavioral compliance
2010, behaviour change, Eric Feng, Michael Wogalter
Opening the mind to close it: Considering a message in light of important values increases message processing and later resistance to change
2008, behaviour change, Duane Wegener, Kevin Blankenship
You’ve been warned: An empirical study of the effectiveness of web browser phishing warnings
2008, social engineering, behaviour change, Jason Hong, Lorrie Cranor, Serge Egelman
Habits in everyday life: Thought, emotion, and action.
Deborah Kashy, Jeffrey Quinn, Wendy Wood, habits, behavior change, 2002