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Demonstrating security awareness value to senior stakeholders.

An expert walk-through of turning basic metrics into senior buy-in.

CybSafe webinar demonstrating business value

Are you fed up with throwing basic metrics (training completion rates, simulated phishing clicks) at your leadership team and hoping something—anything—sticks?

Spoiler: They’re probably fed up with it, too.

You want to track more advanced measures of success—like security behaviors. But your program doesn’t have the funding, resources, access to analysts, or senior stake-holder buy-in to do more—whether that’s leveling up your program, or simply proving its value.

Take heart. Many security awareness professionals set their sights on better support and funding, only to find themselves swamped in swathes of stats.

Consider this webinar your life raft (a really good one, with a built-in snack station and everything).

The exam question:

“Your organization only measures training completion rates, simulated phishing click rates, and security incident report rates. How would you use these metrics to demonstrate genuine business value to senior-stakeholders to secure greater program support and buy-in?”

Ready to unlock the power

of data storytelling?

What you’ll learn:


Data storytelling: How to use your existing metrics (like training completion, phishing click rates, security incident report rates) to craft powerful, persuasive narratives.


Senior buy-in: Ways to transform basic metrics into a watertight argument for greater program support.


Proving value: How to demonstrate tangible business value of a robust, human-centric program by converting “security operational metrics” into “business outcome metrics”.


Maturing your program: How this all feeds into maturing your SA&T program through the SANS Security Awareness Maturity Model™ (and the benefits of doing so).

Who’s it for?

Security awareness professionals

CISOs, CIOs, and data protection officers

CTOs, IT Directors, and IT Managers

Information security officers, managers, and analysts

Anyone passionate about staying ahead of the curve and transforming the way security awareness is approached

Our speakers:

CybSafe logo
Oz Alashe demonstrating business value webinar

Oz Alashe MBE

Chief Executive Officer, CybSafe 

Oz leads CybSafe. He has been the driving force behind CybSafe – the concept, vision and platform.

A former UK Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel, Oz is focused on making society more secure by helping organisations address the human aspect of cyber security.

Oz has a deep background in the areas of intelligence insight, complex human networks, and human cyber risk & resilience. He’s also passionate about reducing societal threats to stability and security by making the most of opportunities presented through advancements in technology.

Oz was made an MBE in 2010 for his personal leadership in the most complex of conflict environments.

Oz chairs the UK Government’s (DCMS) Cyber Resilience Expert Advisory Group. He also sits on the Advisory Board for the Research Institute in Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS). And he’s an Expert Fellow at The Security, Privacy, Identity and Trust Engagement NetworkPlus (SPRITE+), as well as the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).

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Ira Winkler demonstrating business value webinar

Ira Winkler

CISO and Vice President, CYE and author of Security Awareness for Dummies

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Ava Woods-Fleegal demonstrating business value webinar

Ava Woods-Fleegal

Global Security Awareness Lead, RTX Corporation